Finally the long awaited big 30 has arrived. In another 1 month that is.
I have been cracking my head over this matter as I must do something to truly remember this day. Started off with throwing a salsa party bash then came down to travel to some island, COVERING my South East Asia trip before I move on to Europe, hang on, that plan is not due until Mar 2012 anyway. And finally finally finally, today I realised that there is something I have not done in my life before - that is to travel on my own!
Okay i've been to Singapore on my own before but that is a "safe" city. Doesn't count. The reason for my feeling this way is to achieve some self satisfaction.
I've not laid out a 30-year plan in my entire life. All that I have achieved and done thus far has resulted from a decent amount of rebelling and efforts with God given strength. Although it is Easter Eve on that day, the 23rd of April, I have decided that I will be at another beautiful church this Easter for sure. I was thinking of Medan. But I'm not too sure. Well let's see what happens.
Anyways comparing myself to me, some of the things that I have come to hold in my life are as follows:
1) Career.
2) House
3) CC
4) BF
5) Family
6) No kids. Not that I wanted any but I do have another 5 years to go before I decide to have any.
If it's any later than that, there are too many risks - down syndrom, and other unavoidable issues.
Well, that is some stability there and I think I have done okay. That is what the one and only audience we had during the workshop told me. I think your slides were okay. Not that great, not that bad.
I guess my life has been just that, not that great, not that bad. There are many things to be grateful for. And maybe i should plan something for the next 30 years for a change. If my plans are in line with HIS plans, then good and well. Otherwise, the Lord will eventually work out a way for me. Which will be for my own good too.
So let me log on to AirAsia and try to lock in my next trip (considering finances of course) and after which I shall update this here again.