The beginning and the end
The year is 2019. Nayden turns 5 in March this year and starts preschool on the 2nd of Jan 2019 for the first time in his life. So many changes in our lives this year and this marks a major milestone for all of us.
Firstly never in my dream did I imagine what school he will land in, and here he is, going to Kuen Cheng Kindergarten (noon session) and VJ and I take turns to send him to school in his first week of adjustment. What I anticipated to be wailing and crying turns out to be a myth, Nayden appears super calm and collected and quiet in his first day of school. I suppose all the pep talk is finally working? He follows the routine taught by his teachers and I hang around the classroom, amidst the other crying children, ready and on stand by mode to walk in to hug my baby boy in case he breaks down. I waited and waited but nothing happened. not a tear came out and soon it was already a week and he was successfully settled in! On day one he did miss his own classmates, unnoticed by the teacher, he walked in a different class line and marched into their class. watching from far, the protective me so wanted to run to him and correct him but I stopped myself. Let him learn I kept telling myself and so he did.
So there you go, the beginning of school which marks the end of his childhood time at home with Nadine and I :(
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