Monday, July 07, 2008

Physio - Prevention is definitely better than cure...

Went for my 2nd physio session... for a case of simple joint-pain.

I'd consider myself as an active person. I go to they gym sometimes, play squash for hours to no end, i dance a lot and walk extremely fast. People say being active in life helps to keep you healthy and balanced. Or so I thought... until i paid a visit to this physio-therapist that one of my good friends go to.

She's been having back problems for a long time now. And the physio session she attends every saturdays has improved her condition tremendously.

Wen i went in that one Sat, i sat on the stool and she asked.. so what is wrong with you?
I said - hmm... nothing really but then again, wait! If there was nothing wrong, why would i be here? I didn't want to look silly with that answer so i thought, to be honest will be the best way to do this. So i spoke about my stiff neck prob which i experience at times, for which i visit my regular massage joint for a good 1-hour session of muscle relief.

And then i thought - thats not really a big prob coz it goes off once the session is over.. So, what is the REAL problem?

Then i thought about my joint prob - on my knee whenever i walk or do any form of exercise. It used to be manageable - until I started experiencing more pressing pain during my workout sessions in the gym.

I attributed this to the aggressive squash sessions I was having. So, I got myself a knee guard to limit my knee movements when exercising. However, this was a camouflage. I knew it but as usual, if nothing is broken, it doesn't need fixing.

SO i just mentioned all this to Jaz (my theraphist) and she did a diagnose on my knee. She gave an explanation on what is the should-be condition of a normal knee and how it is like for mine.
Obviously this is a very early stage of arthritis. However, if i continued ignoring this problem, it will result in a worse condition.. leading to a case of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

To my surprise, I came across this article on The Star Online. Click on the link below to read more.